Oh dang!
The funniest thing just happened to me. I gotta tell ya this story! Well funny might
not be the right description of what I am feeling right now???
A while back I gave my wife's employee a computer. It was an old one that was my
Mom's. I cleaned it and fixed it and set it up for them. They have had it about a
month. They screwed it up a few days ago. Long story I won't go into, but they said
Comcast did it - NOT - they screwed it up or their kids did. I don't really care
anyway but it is hosed.
Anyway, they need to re-install Windows 98SE. I had a tech's copy of Windows
98SE that is just for this purpose and have had it for years.
I lost it?? I looked in every file cabinet, briefcase, suitcase, drawer, shelf and
wastebasket in my office and storage rooms and every box in my closets and storage room/exercise room. GONE! I could not find it anywhere. So I looked again when
I was totally sober in all of the places again.
I have stuff in a lot of places too.
I am talking hours of searching here! I looked in software boxes by the dozen thinking
I might have miss filed it. I looked and searched high and low all over the place.
And I have tons of places to put things.
I mean a lot of places.
It was just gone!
GONE!!! I could not find it. Pissed me off. I figured I had loaned it to someone and
they did not return it. It was just gone. Three days of serious searching!

Deb just came in and was on the phone with the employee. She asked me if I have found it.
I said nope it is gone. She walked behind my desk and picked up a CD that was lying on my credenza.
She said is this it?
I said rather sheepishly - yep that is it!!!! DANG. I had placed it on my credenza right behind me some months ago when I was working on a friends laptop - fixing it - and I had to reinstall 98 for him. I forgot that I did not return it to the proper place. Dang, I have a bunch of CDs on my credenza that I need to mail to some people, and various other things covering the top of it.
I have not gotten around to sending that stack yet, nor filing the other stuff, and the Windows 98SE CD was right on top of it. The top of it!!! I feel so very small. I am an idiot. Three long days of searching every place I have stuff and she finds it in less than 10 seconds.
I think I still hear her laughing at my butt from the other end of the house?? I could have sworn that I looked through all of the stuff on my credenza??? Twice even!!!! I know I did!
How embarrassing this is. She will never let me live this one down.
I really think I am getting OLD!

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